|  September 16, 2013

Recommended Reading: For Your Job Search & Career

It’s been a while since I’ve posted some great recommended reading for your job search and career in general. While some of these are a few weeks (months?) old, these are some great reads to check out if you haven’t already.

The Internship Issue on The Tory Burch Blog

The Internship Issue is a series of posts on the Tory Burch blog covering some of the coolest summer internships out there. I love how they interview not only the summer intern, but also their bosses on the summer internship experience. Even Conan O’Brien shares his thoughts on the advice he’d give interns…

The advice I give interns…
Is the same advice I would give any of my employees — do your work and have a great attitude. We have our interns do a variety of tasks around the office that are all a valuable part of putting our show together every day. Whether it’s going on a coffee run, sitting in at rehearsal or researching news for show material, all of our interns are vital to what we put out every night. The more they realize even the trivial things are as important as the bigger things, the more they’ll get out of the experience.

20 Things 20-Year-Olds Don’t Get on Forbes.com

First let me just say that I know plenty of 20-year-olds out there who totally “get it”, work hard, and aren’t guilty of all of the millennial stereotypes, but sassy title aside, this was a really great post. One part that particularly resonates with me is that “You’re Talented, But Talent is Overrated” part…

Unrefined raw materials (no matter how valuable) are simply wasted potential.  There’s no prize for talent, just results.  Even the most seemingly gifted folks methodically and painfully worked their way to success.

Other great parts included the author’s thoughts on “A New Job a Year Isn’t a Good Thing ” and “Don’t Wait to Be Told What to Do ” All around, it’s a good read that will give anyone a few ideas on how to do better at work.

How to get a job with a Philosophy Degree on The New York Times

This was a longer article, but an interesting one. Among other things, the author focuses on the notion of allowing students to study was they’re interested in and leverage a liberal arts education to land on a great career path.

I think what hit home the most for me, is how advanced and elevated career centers are becoming and what an asset they can be to students. If you’re in school, use your career center and let it help you! One of my bigger regrets was not tapping into this when I was in school.

Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg

You’ve probably heard lots about this book over the past few months. I thought it was a fast and interesting read and a beneficial one for anyone starting out in their career (or for those who are a few years in).

Lean In quote

The book is a mix of Sheryl’s own experiences in her career, practical advice on how to succeed, and some really interesting research on why women’s progress in achieving leadership roles has stalled. I also had the pleasure of hearing Sheryl speak in NYC through Levo League office hours (you can watch the full video here) and was so impressed.

Happy reading!

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